Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Geysers and Thermal Pools at Yellowstone

JUNE 2008

Grand Geyser Group or Complex consists of three geysers: Vent Geyser on the left, Turban in the center and Grand on the right. Grand erupts on the average every 7 hours within a 3-hour window up to 200 feet last up to 12 minutes. Vent Geyser is usually has steamy eruptions and usually erupts along and afterwards Grand's eruption. Vent may begin erupting up to 75 feet and then subside to 20-40 feet. Most of the time it is hidden during Grand's eruption. Grand is a fountain geyser. Turban Geyser erupts every 20 minutes, lasts 5 minutes and may be 5-10 feet tall.

Abyss Pool located in West Thumb Basin on Lake Yellowstone. West Thumb Basin is a concentration of paint pots, springs/pools/ and geysers. Abyss Pool descends to 53 feet is 30x57 feet and is normally 172F. Abyss is the deepest pool known in Yellowstone. It varies from turquoise to emerald green to various shades of brown.

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